OWASP Maribor

Maribor Chapter Logo


Welcome to OWASP Maribor chapter homepage. We are located in a beautiful town in the south-east of Slovenia.

Our aim is to organize periodic events to share interesting topics regarding cybersecurity, application development, secure software development (SecDevOps), mobile applications, etc.

Upcoming Meetings

We schedule our meetings on the Maribor Meetup Group

Our meetings are open to the public, and you do not need to be a member to attend. Please do consider joining OWASP if you find our community, projects, and meetings valuable, or sponsoring this chapter.


The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. All of our projects, tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security.

Chapters are led by local leaders in accordance with the Chapter Policy. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP Project, independent research, or related software security topic you would like to present.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in our projects and events. We especially encourage diversity in all our initiatives. OWASP is a fantastic place to learn about application security, to network, and even to build your reputation as an expert. We also encourage you to become a member or consider a donation to support our ongoing work.


  • SecureBank is a FinTech application which contains all OWASP TOP 10 security vulnerabilities along with some other security flaws found in real-world applications.


Upcoming Meetings

We schedule our meetings on the Maribor Meetup Group

Our meetings are open to the public, and you do not need to be a member to attend. Please do consider joining OWASP if you find our community, projects, and meetings valuable, or sponsoring this chapter.


MS Defender 18 of May 2023

CTF platforms 24 of November 2022

OWASP ranlnjivosti part 2 17 of November 2022

CyberNight 7 of October 2022

OWASP ranljivosti 16 of June 2022

OWASP orodja 18 of May 2022

Cyber higiena 13 of April 2022

Girls in Cyber 30th of March 2022

On-line delavnica na temo kibernetske varnosti 9 of March 2022

XMAS challenge 1 month each day new challange December 2021

CyberNight 8 of October 2021

Napadi na OT okolja in izzivi s katerimi se soočamo pri obrambi 30 of June 2021

OT attacks Attacks on OT infrastructure 30th of June 2021

CyberNight We prepared first on-premise CTF competition after COVID on the 4th of June 2021

OWASP Chapter Maribor OWASP Chapter Maribor meetup on the 4th of March 2021

XMAS challenge Not even COVID-19 could prevent to happen this also this year. Have fun!

CyberNight In the spirit of Cyber Security Awareness Month, we prepared a CyberNight event that happened on the 2nd of October 2020. The event featured the business part and the CTF competition.


OWASP Maribor kindly thanks the following companies for supporting us:


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OWASP je svetovna neprofitna fundacija, katere cilj je opozoriti na pomen kibernetske varnosti, varnosti spletnih aplikacij, varnega razvoja aplikacij, varnega razvoja programske opreme (SecDevOps), mobilnih aplikacij itd. Poslanstvo je širiti in omogočiti prost dostop do znanja. Vsi OWASP dokumenti, orodja, videoposnetki, diapozitivi, podcasti itd., so brezplačni in jih lahko uporabljajo vsi, ki jih zanima izboljšanje varnosti aplikacij.

OWASP Maribor

OWASP je organiziran po lokalnih skupinah po celotnem svetu. Ena od njih je OWASP Maribor, na strani katere se trenutno nahajate.


OWASP je neprofitna fundacija, kjer je udeležba dobrodošla. Vsi, ki ste zainteresirani, lahko pomagate pri širjenju znanja in zavedanosti o pomenu informacjiske varnosti.

Prav tako se veselimo vaših prispevkov, ki morajo biti povezani z informacijsko varnostjo.


Člani OWASP Maribor se sestajajo po potrebi. Srečanja so javna. Vsakdo se lahko udeleži srečanja in sodeluje pri delu skupine. Seveda so tudi vsi rezultati srečanj javno dostopni. O čem je bilo razpravljano in odločeno na prejšnjih sestankih, lahko najdete na tej strani. Članstvo v OWASP ni pogoj za sodelovanje na srečanjih, potrebno je le za glasovanje. Podrobnosti o dnevnem redu in lokaciji prihodnjega sestanka lahko najdete na tej strani.


  • SecureBank je FinTech aplikacija, ki vsebuje najpogostejše in tudi druge varnostne ranljivosti, ki jih lahko najdemo v spletnih aplikacijah iz resničnega sveta.

Urejanje na GitHubu

Fundacija OWASP® deluje na področju varnosti programske opreme s svojo odprtokodno programsko opremo.


OWASP Maribor se zahvaljuje navedenim podjetjem za podporo:


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